Original Projects
Morgan’s truest passion lies in crafting fictional worlds and bringing them to life as franchisable IPs across a variety of mediums. From graphic novels, to board games, video games, animation or live action, Morgan understands how to tell a story in all formats.

Vision & Execution
For over a decade, I've believed deeply in the combined significance of worldbuilding and narrative direction. In my experience, they're more than just tools; they're the canvas and the paint that breathe life into my tales. When I meticulously sculpt histories, weave cultures, and design landscapes, I'm not just telling a story—I'm constructing entire realities. And within these vast realities, I ensure there's a strong narrative thread guiding my characters and readers alike. This commitment to depth and clarity hasn't just resonated with my readers; it has granted my stories a versatility that's been invaluable.
From the onset, I envision my stories flourishing across various platforms. Before even putting finger to keyboard, I anticipate how my narrative might transform into video games, board games, comics, TV and Film interpretations. And I've not only imagined these adaptations, but also brought them to fruition, manifesting my world and characters in multiple mediums. This holistic transmedia approach ensures that no matter the medium, the heart of my tales remains consistently vibrant and compelling. It's a testament to the power of a well-told story anchored in a thoughtfully built world.

For each IP below, Morgan was the lead Creative and oversaw ALL aspects of the projects: From building the world and designing the characters, to writing the scripts and leading writers rooms, to art-directing the designers and engineers, story-boarding the animation, producing the videos, and everything in between.
Having personally raised over $1.7M across his creator-owned properties via private investing and crowdsourcing, Morgan has proven that his entrepreneurial prowess is just as impressive as his creative one. That’s what his mom tells him, anyway. :)